

~ Interview mit Bruno Masulli ~

Nach der Veröffentlichung des ausgezeichneten neuen Werkes von IN AEVUM AGERE, das nicht nur die Liebhaber des epischen CANDLEMASS-Sounds entzücken sollte, war ein Interview mit Mastermind Bruno Masulli fällig. Also: treffen sich ein Italiener und ein Deutscher und führen eine Unterhaltung in Englisch. Viel Spaß:

Congratulazioni, Bruno, great new record. When did you write the songs of ´Canto III´?

Thank you so much, Michael. ´Canto III´ had a long and slow songwriting, and before this album, two EPs were released. ´Limbus Animae´ and ´Fugit In Solitudine´. I already had new ideas during the 2013 and I was willing to propose new material soon and ´Limbus Animae´ was released in 2014.

Later I begun to write other material and slowly, the concept of “The  Divine Comedy” started to come out. It was a great job, but I already knew it wouldn’t be easy, also because inspired by “The Divine Comedy” it gave me a great responsibility. I always try to give a touch of personality to each work and the slow pre-production of ´Canto III´ also helped us reflect and take all our time and listen to the songs again before the release.

I think that perfection does not exist, but have more time to make an album gives you the chance to do a good job without second thoughts and at the end, when you know you have given your best, you have nothing to blame to yourself for.

They aren´t all new, right?

There are unreleased songs and new versions of other songs from the last EP’s. The songs taken from the Ep’s are re-arranged and re-mixed and re-mastered, sounds different, up to the album.

Surprisingly, you found more band members and you did not have to do it all by yourself.

Well, there have been many changes of members over the years but for ´Canto III´ release I could count on two permanent musicians.



Who are they?

Piersabato (Gambino) is the bassplayer, but Piero is a permanent member for a long time. The drummer is Claudio (Del Monaco). I met him during the rehearsals in my studio, he played in a heavy metal band of the 80’s and I liked his style. We didn’t have the drummer at that time, we asked him to join the band. He heard the stuff and liked it.

How did you get the record deal with “Metal On Metal”?

“Metal On Metal Records” always been interested in IN AERVUM AGERE I tell you. Anyway, I met them two times, when we played at MDM and in Austria, they knew we were finishing to record our new album and they offered us a deal, meanwhile we were looking for a new label, I had already known them and so, we signed for “Metal On Metal Records”.

I know, you are in music every day, do you concentrate in these days all your energy on IN AEVUM AGERE?

Well, the pre-production of new IAA album is already well advanced, but in these months I’m finishing the 1st Ep of another my doom metal project, I hope to release it really soon.

´Canto III´ is an outstanding record. Do you see competition in other bands in the same style in which you play?

Thank you so much, you know, honestly I don’t give much importance to competition in other bands, for me the important thing is do the best, I am concentrating on work, maybe it’s important a comparision, each band has their own way of playing, and songwriting, I think that the style can be the same but the bands are different from each other.

Do you like the new CANDLEMASS with their first singer?

I didn’t listen it with great attention, anyway they always make great music! Naturally I prefer CANDELEMASS with Messiah Marcolin, I liked Matts Leven, but I liked the idea of first singer too. They are all great singers!

Do you have plans for another album of I MITI ETERNI or ANNILATIONMANCER or POWER BEYOND?

Pre-productions, demos and lots of songs are ready for all the projects but you know to be self-financing in whole always is not possible. But it’s also often a matter of inspiration, I understand when it’s time to work on a old or a new project. Anyway I’ll see what the future holds.

Thank you, Bruno.

Thank you so much.

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